Good evening, my beautiful sisters!
During our last prayer meeting, Sister Shevon mentioned a book she’d read. The title of the book is In the Meantime: Finding YOURSELF and the love YOU want (published in 1998).
Because Sister Shevon stated she could not put the book down once she started reading it, I decided to purchase the book, because I love… to read good inspirational books.
I own hundreds of books and I have read the majority of them. I’ve also written and published books. By the way, this entire message will be posted on my website: for those of you who would like to read it.
The more we read the more knowledge me gain. However, intellectual knowledge is useless without God’s wisdom, which leads to righteous living and bears good fruit.
Proverbs 1:7 says, The fear (or reverence) of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
I know it WAS nobody but God who had Sister Shevon mention that book, so that I could read it and bring you all this vital message about a destructive ‘GOD OF SELF’ that author Iyanla Vanzant places great emphasis on in the book that I read.
[I spent last Friday through today (Tuesday, 05/28/2024) composing this message, and I really enjoyed working on the message, because it ties right in with the Book of Jeremiah that we’re reading right now on The Word (POWERFUL) Prayer line, and I am excited to share the message with you all!]
So, please… mute your phones and sit back, relax, and listen very intently, as I explain (with the help of the Holy Spirit) how today’s false priests, priestess, and prophets (in Hollywood and the rest of the world) are deceiving believers (and nonbelievers) the same way the false priests, priestess, and prophets deceived people in the days of JEREMIAH.
Last Thursday night, right after the prayer meeting ended, I downloaded and listened to the audio version of In the Meantime… on my computer; the next day I was able to read the eBook or digital version FOR FREE on my Amazon Kindle app.
As I was reading the book, I found it very odd that Iyanla, who calls herself a child of God, would write and publish a book that placed emphasis on unconditional love, without mentioning the Holy Bible.
I decided to research Iyanla’s background, and it became very clear to me (through spiritual discernment) that the advice she offers to women, in particular, is based on philosophy.
Colossians 2:8 says, See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than Christ.
The apostle Paul warned the Colossian church (in his epistle or letter) because he believed the church was under attack, and that believers were in danger of being captured and dragged away from their genuine devotion to Jesus Christ by the deceitful philosophies and high-minded ideas of false teachers (Colossian heresy).
The members of the Colossian Church were primarily Gentiles, the inhabitants of Colosse, an ancient city of Phrygia in Asia Minor, one of the most celebrated cities of Southern Anatolia (modern Turkey).
Let it be known that without a solid foundation in the truth of God’s Word, we (Christians or believers) can be quickly captivated by the vain deceit (or high-sounding nonsense) of false religions.
Folks who embrace empty deceptions are in danger of being spiritually kidnapped and carried far away from the absolute supremacy of Jesus Christ.
I had never heard of Iyanla Vanzant until Sister Shevon mentioned her book last Thursday night.
The Library Journal review of the book – posted on reads as follows:
Self-help counselor Vanzant talks about creative and honest use of the “meantime” between relationships to help women (and men) avoid repeating unproductive behaviors of the past. She uses the metaphor of a house, starting in the basement with “willingness” and acknowledging that one has a problem. Next is the first floor, to identify the nature of the problem. On the second floor is trust, what to do about the problem. Finally, on the third floor, one “learns how to do what you know.” That is, one ‘possesses’ the inner resources to overcome the tendency to repeat past responses to situations…. By ANann Blaine Hilyard, Lake Villa Dist. Lib., IL Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
In the book, Iyanla uses the term: **light of love, which can be associated with a prostitute or fickle woman.
She says, “Love is the experience of being ourselves, and sexual activity is our call in a meantime or while in limbo (or hell according to Catholicism).”
Iyanla also says, “There are no good or bad feelings; all feelings are appropriate. We need to take inventory of our bodies to locate our feelings. If we do not honor ourselves, others will not honor us.”
I believe our sons and daughters should be taught the following Scriptures and many more when they are young children, but Iyanla and many other philosophers would strongly disagree with me.
I CORINTHIANS 7:1-4, & 8-9 reads:
1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.
2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
3 Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I.
9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.
Please read 1 Corinthians 7 & 10, which sums up this discussion about Iyanla’s book promoting self-love absent of God’s guidance.
Iyanla made the following statement at the very end of In the Meantime…:
“You’re on a mission! My only purpose for being on planet earth is to AWAKEN to my GODSELF to celebrate life and do what brings me joy…! You have become the light of the world, the light. I beseech you to do everything in YOUR POWER to let YOUR light shine.”
John 8:12 says, When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the **light of life.”
Satan or the serpent is a great illustration of the GOD OF SELF or SELFGOD; he defied God and convinced Eve to eat from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, by twisting God’s words. Satan also used Scripture to tempt Jesus to worship him (Luke 4:1-13).
When we (humans) exalt OURSELVES and our human opinions over God’s infinite wisdom we give place to the GOD OF SELF.
When following SELF is a lifestyle, we have a false god (1 John 3:3-9), even if we verbally profess to love Jesus (Matthew 15:8).
The GOD OF SELF doesn’t need a physical temple or our bodies or an altar; it is content to dwell in our hearts and get its own way.
(Reference source: Got Questions Ministries.)
Whenever I have questions about Bible Scriptures, I go to GQM website to seek the right answers.
Here is a little background information on Iyanla obtained from Amazon and
Iyanla, whose birth name is Rhonda Eva Harris, was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. in 1953. Her mother was a maid, who conceived Iyanla with a married man, who was a gambler. Iyanla’s mother was also an alcoholic, who died from breast cancer in 1955 (two years after Iyanla was born).
Iyanla was physically and sexually abused in the homes of family members. She got pregnant at the age of 16 and had three children (one boy and two girls) by the time she turned 21. (Both of her daughters are deceased).
Iyanla was married several times, and she accumulated several black eyes, three fractured ribs, a broken jaw, and displaced uterus from her husbands.
She once attempted suicide and ended up in the psychiatric ward of a hospital. After Iyanla was released from the hospital, she ended up on welfare to support her three children.
The very traumatic experiences did not keep Iyanla from earning a B.A. degree in Public Administration from Medgar Evers College in 1983 and a law degree from the City University of New York in 1988.
Iyanla is a lawyer, inspirational speaker, New Thought spiritual teacher, author, life coach, and TV personality (in Hollywood).
She was the host of the TV show Iyanla: Fix My Life from 2012 to 2021. She is also an honorary member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.
Oprah Winfrey called Iyanla “the most powerful spiritual healer, fixer, teacher on the planet.”
Amazon refers to Iyanla as the “relationship fairy godmother.”
Let me remind you all that this message is not about bashing Iyanla. It’s about enlightening God’s children to the wickedness in high places that keeps this spiritual warfare in progress.
Ephesians 6:12 says, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
In 1983, Iyanla was ordained as a priestess in the Yo-ru-ba religion and that’s when she received the title Iyanla, which means GREAT MOTHER. Her official title is Yo-ru-ba Ifa Priestess.
The GREAT MOTHER was considered the GREAT PARENT of universal motherhood, a mother of gods, human beings, and beasts. Her worship originated in Phrygia in Asia Minor where the Colossian Church was located. Her worship was an orgiastic (orgy resemblance), emphasizing her maternity over wild nature, and her stygian (extremely dark) depths of psychic heritage.
She had mythical attendants that were wild, half demonic beings. Her priests castrated themselves upon entering her service; they were inspired by the myth of her lover, the fertility god, Attis, who emasculated himself under a pine tree.
The GREAT MOTHER was known as Gaia, Demeter, Isis, and all of the other goddesses from the beginning of time, who have been worshipped. She has been compared to Mother Nature or Earth Mother, who brings us fruit and grain but also hurricanes, drought, and locusts.
In reality, no one but God provides our basic needs of food, shelter, water, and life.
The story of the GREAT MOTHER explains why the sin of homosexuality and same sex marriages are now common practice in today’s modern world.
Because Iyanla was ordained as a priestess of the Yo-ru-ba religion, she is a worshipper of several deities or gods. Olorun (Oh-low-do-ma-re) is the supreme deity in the Yo-ru-ba Pantheon (shrine of all the gods). He is considered the ruler of the heavens and the creator of all things, and the source of life, force, and energy that regulates the universe.
The Yo-ru-ba religion forms the basis for various religions in the New world, including Cuban Santeria (a pantheistic Afro-Cuban folk religion developed from the beliefs and customs of the Yoruba people that incorporates some elements from the Roman Catholic religion).
What is pantheism?
According to the quote below from the commentary: “BACKGROUND ON COLOSSIANS” that was posted on website on July 1, 2004:
…Pantheism is at the heart of the New Age movement. It teaches that “all is (god).” Pantheists assert that God is not a personal being (because He doesn’t have characteristics of a person); he is considered an impersonal energy, a force or consciousness. Out of this naturally comes another idea: Since all is one and all is (god), we too are gods. The goal of the New Age movement is to awaken us to the god who sleeps within us, to teach us to live like the gods we are. The bait on this pagan hook is Satan’s great delusion from the Garden of Eden, the promise of godhood.
Secular humanism taught that “man is the measure of all things.” Now, because of this promise of godhood for men, the New Age movement says with man all things are possible. The New Age worldview is what could be called “a cosmic humanism.”
But as mentioned, the ideas of the New Age movement are not new. It merely repeats Satan’s age-old lie in a new age using euphemisms or new names to hide and remove old associations and stigmas. As will be shown, the heresy confronting the Colossians had certain similarities to the New Age movement of our day. Colossians is God’s polemic (aggressive attack) and rebuttal to many kinds of delusions and heresies, but it is especially relevant to what we see happening in the world today.
It was in the wee hours when I finished listening to In the Meantime… When I finally climbed in bed and fell asleep, I had a dream about my deceased uncle, who was a Muslim. My uncle was dressed as a warrior in all black, and chanting someone’s name, while stomping or stepping like college frat brothers. He was so excited when he heard the man who was stomping along with him call out the name of the person they were worshipping.
Last night I dreamt I was at my mama’s house and two of my sisters and some kids were also at the house. I was speaking and while I was speaking my two sisters were laughing at me. There were more than a dozen different puzzles on the living room floor that my sisters gathered up as everyone was leaving my mama’s house.
Back to Iyanla… In 1988 she founded Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development, a non-religious organization that provides a supportive environment for personal development and spiritual evolution.
It is very obvious that most Hollywood celebrities are the devil’s children, because the majority of the movies, TV shows, commercials, music videos, video games being produced in Hollywood are carnal; they VILIFY GOD and GLORIFY THE DEVIL.
Once again, Ephesians 6:12 says: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
God really does work in mysterious ways:
On Saturday, the day after I read In the Meantime…, Sister Shevon called and asked me to listen to a commentary by Nick Jones (on YouTube); Nick was discussing an interview involving Hollywood actor Terrence Howard.
During the interview, Terrence (who was wearing a female wig) was asked about ‘the process of acting’ and his response confirmed that Lucifer/the devil/Satan is controlling the minds of many actors and actresses in Hollywood.
Quoting Terrence:
“As an actor… you’re more like a MEDIUM… you go into this zone and you really DIVORCE YOURSELF of who you are, and you just become a GARMENT that something else puts on… A lot of people… do impersonations of other folks… instead of allowing that spirit… But… I’ll pray for a little bit… go in a dark place, go in a bathroom, look in the mirror… After one minute turn the light off and search until you find – see your own glow, your own aura and then you watch it change… IT’S A SCARY THING, because you’ll feel like some hands are on you, and you lose a little bit of control of what you’re doing. But… if you stay with it… you’ll be INHABITED by something and then you’ll walk out the character… you got to know how to say goodbye to it…. A lot of people are afraid to empty themselves to be filled up with something else… As an actor you’re an emotional prostitute… You put on whatever you need for the John. You’re turning an emotional trick and there is nothing more GLORIOUS than that….”
I believe Halle Berry was possessed with a LUST DEMON when she engaged in that erotic sex scene with Billy Bob Thornton (the White man) in the move Monster’s Ball (in 2001). Halle lost all of her self-respect and dignity just to win an Oscar.
Leviticus 20:6-8: “‘I will set my face against anyone who turns to MEDIUMS and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people. ‘Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the Lord your God. Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the Lord, who makes you holy.
Those of us on this prayer line have chosen to serve an AWESOME God, and although we are God’s children, we’re still going to face challenges in this life, until the day we die.
But we should never lose faith in God’s promises.
Our spirit was dead to God before we accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, due to the sin we inherited from Adam.
But after we accepted Jesus as our Savior our spirit was made NEW in Jesus, and we became a NEW CREATION, adopted into God’s family. The HOLY SPIRIT seals our spirit, and we are called to FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST, yielding our WILL to Him.
However, we MUST be BORN AGAIN in order to enter God’s heavenly kingdom.
In these last perilous days, please… continue to study God’s word, as it is written in the Holy Bible, and if you truly love God, you will obey His commandments.
We will never be perfect saints, and I love what Dr. Charles Stanley once said: “TRUST GOD AND LEAVE THE CONSEQUENCES TO HIM.”
That’s exactly what I am doing on this day and hopefully for the rest of the days I am here on earth, because God has a solution to every problem, and nothing can separate God’s adopted children from Him. However, when we sin and fail to repent, a sense of separation from God is formed, and the light and warmth of fellowship is cut off, but we never lose salvation, because Jesus paid our debt on the cross. But we will lose the love, joy, and peace of the HOLY SPIRIT.
King David is a perfect example: David was a man after God’s own heart and God punished David for the sins he committed, but when David repented, he no longer felt separated from God.
And please… STOP listening to the lost souls in Hollywood (and in your circle of family and friends). All of the devil’s children are on a serious mission to recruit as many people as they can to become servants of Lucifer, their father, the prince of the power of the air and deny the presence of the true and living God.
1 John 3:10 says, By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother.
It’s very sad how Iyanla, Terrence Howard and Beyonce AKA Sasha Fierce, the queen of the HOLLYWOOD ILLUMINATI, and many other celebrities are leading many young followers ‘straight to hell’ with false spiritual teachings.
I thank you all for listening and I pray God continues to pour out His wonderful blessings to each of you.
I am so happy I joined The Word Prayer Line, because I learned about the GREAT MOTHER and THE GOD OF SELF or SELFGOD and SELFSHIPPING (a process whereby humans ‘willingly’ pair themselves up with fictional characters for romantic, sexual and other pleasurable purposes and as a means to cope with life challenges).
The NEW (virtual) World Order or metaverse is already here; it allows humans to create avatars of themselves (using AI) and do whatever they feel like doing, and according to Iyanla, whatever humans choose to do will not be judged as right or wrong or good or bad, because humans are their own god.
But the God we serve is not ourselves; the God we serve is an absolutely amazing personal being!